Okra 5 Ways

Fried okra is a classic, but this green hued veggie can also be prepared with few calories and fat added. Here are 5 mouthwatering recipes to get you started.

Related To:

smoky okra


Food stylist: Jamie Kimm Prop Stylist: Marina Malchin

Photo by: Antonis Achilleos

Antonis Achilleos

Not sure how to prepare okra in a healthy way? Fried okra is a classic, but this green-hued veggie can also be prepared with few calories and fat added. Here are 5 mouthwatering recipes to get you started.


Pickling is an easy way to preserve the summer goodness of produce. Prepare the pickling mixture and just sit back and relax—that’s all there is to it.

RECIPE: Pickled Okra
Combine faro with a delicious blend of vegetables (including okra) to make Emeril’s to-die-for jambalaya. Did we mention that it’s vegetarian?
With Tomatoes

Sweet okra and acidic tomatoes work magic together. Besides pairing their flavors beautifully, both contain loads of antioxidants and fiber.


In this French-inspired dish, tomatoes and a variety of veggies are sautéed in olive oil. It can be served as a main course with whole grain pasta, brown rice, or French bread. It‘s also a delicious accompaniment to fish or chicken.

On Skewers

Thread okra on skewers, grill for several minutes on each side and you’ve got yourself a fantastic side for under 70 calories per serving!

RECIPE: Smoky Okra
TELL US: How do you like your okra?

Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, is a registered dietitian and consultant who specializes in food safety and culinary nutrition. See Toby's full bio »

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