5 Ways to Eat Healthier At Work

Having a hectic day? Don’t let your healthy eating habits slip through the cracks. Follow these 5 tips to make sure you stay on track when you're at the office.
eat at work

 Having a hectic day? Don’t let your healthy eating habits slip through the cracks. Follow these 5 tips to make sure you stay on track while you're at work.

#1: Eat Breakfast

I can’t stress the importance of a healthy breakfast to help you settle into a hunger-free morning. Even if you’re the type of person who grabs their cup of Joe and runs out the door, make an effort to take in a piece of fresh fruit, yogurt or slice of whole grain bread with a tablespoon natural peanut butter.

#2: Step Away

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 83 percent of Americans claim to eat meals and snacks at their desks. Instead of mindlessly gobbling down whatever’s in front of you, step away from your desk, computer, electronic devices . . . you get the picture. Have a seat somewhere quiet where you can relax and enjoy each bite.

#3: Be Prepared

When hunger strikes, be prepared so you don’t run to the closest fast food joint. Collect or print out menus from surrounding restaurants and review them in advance. Circle your favorite healthy options so there’s no thinking involved when it's time to order.

#4: Brown Bag It

One of your best bets to ensure you’ll eat a healthy meal is to pack your own. To get you started, check out our 1 week brown bag menu.

#5: Craving Control

Around 2 or 3PM many folks go through their afternoon lull. The blood sugar drops, fatigue sets in and you’re in dire need of a pick-me-up. Keep your cravings under control by knowing which foods to grab on the fly and healthier choices from your vending machine. If you really need something sweet, step away from the 200+ calorie candy bar. Instead, that may be a good time to get in your ounce of dark chocolate for the day. Pair it with fresh fruit for a maximum antioxidant boost.

TELL US: How do you eat healthier at work?

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