3 Savory Spins on Greek Yogurt

Take your yogurt to the next level of savory goodness.

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We bet you love topping your yogurt with fruit or honey, but have you tried putting a savory spin on this creamy, protein-packed staple and eating it for lunch? We stopped by New York City-based Greek yogurt mecca Greecologies to get a few ideas for taking your yogurt to the next level of savory goodness.

You serve both strained and unstrained Greek yogurt. What are the major differences?

Greecologies: All yogurts start off as traditional, unstrained yogurt. Both the strained yogurt and the traditional yogurt are made with the same milk and culture. After the cream rises and the liquid whey settles at the bottom, the cream on the top gets scraped off and then later saved for butter (with which we make butter coffee). And then the yogurt portion goes into a large cloth bag and all the liquid whey gets poured out, which thickens the yogurt and leaves the casein protein part intact; that’s the strained yogurt that we know of in the United States like Fage or Chobani.

And the traditional yogurt keeps the whey?

G: Traditional yogurt keeps the whey and the cream.

So would you say one is more nutritious than the other?

G: If you’re looking for just a pure concentration of protein levels, then the strained is definitely higher, with about 12 grams of protein per serving versus the unstrained, which has about 6 grams [strained yogurt also has less sugar and sodium, but traditional yogurt has more calcium; both count toward recommended three daily servings of dairy]. We make use of the whey in drinks and the cream as butter for our coffee.

Check out some of these fun savory spins on Greek yogurt that you can make at home:

Greek Yogurt + Strained Tomatoes + Sun-Dried Tomatoes + Olive Oil + Oregano

Greek Yogurt + Cucumbers + Tomatoes + Olives + Olive Oil
Greek Yogurt + Feta Cheese + Cucumbers + Olive Oil + Oregano

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