Recipe courtesy of L'Ecole

Roasted Chicken with Grapefruit and Pink Peppercorns

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  • Level: Easy



  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Rinse and dry chickens well. Rub the skin with olive oil. Salt and pepper the interior and exterior. Place in the oven and cook for 40 minutes or until juices run clear. Peel 1 yellow and 1 pink grapefruit and remove the sections carefully and reserve. Squeeze the other 4 grapefruits of all their juices and reserve. Peel, clean, and cut vegetables into 1/4 inch pieces. After 25 minutes, add the vegetables to the chicken and continue to cook until ready.
  2. When chicken is ready, tilt the bird so the juices go into the roasting pan and then caramelize the juices. Degrease and deglaze with the grapefruit juice, scrape the bottom to dissolve the juices and then add the pan juices. Strain the sauce and let sit for 5 minutes, all fat will come to the surface and remove. Place sauce back onto heat, add pink peppercorns and cook at a low simmer for 5 minutes. Check for consistency and seasoning.
  3. To Serve: Carve the chicken into eighths. Place one piece white and one piece dark meat on each plate. Warm the sections of grapefruit in the sauce and arrange around the chicken. Spoon sauce over entire presentation.