Air-Fried Fruit Is a Total Game-Changer

And there’s never been a better time to try it.

August 04, 2020

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Photo by: istetiana/Getty


Stop what you’re doing and clear your mind. All set? Now, picture a bowl of gooey baked fruit, perfectly sweet and made even better by a scoop of ice cream. Sounds pretty good, right? It gets even better, though. Thanks to your air fryer, you can have that baked fruit in just a matter of minutes — and with hardly any effort, too.

According to TikTok user @mmaddiemay, air-fried apples are the next big dessert (sorry, banana bread and five-ingredient cookies). After watching her video, it’s easy to see why. Here’s how she does it: First, slice an apple and roll it in cinnamon sugar. Once each slice is seasoned, cook in the air fryer at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes, flipping each slice every three or four minutes. Once the apples are fully cooked, top the fruit with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and dig in. She swears the dessert tastes “just like apple pie!”


airfried apples might be my new fav dessert😛 ##fyp ##foryou ##foryoupage ##food ##airfryer ##cooking

♬ Swag Circulation - cyfycube

Even better? Apples aren’t the only fruit you can (and should) air fry. A few scrolls through the #airfryer tag on TikTok will lead to videos for air-fried peaches, pineapple, strawberries and even blueberries. Every fruit varies with cooking time, but the basic idea remains the same. Simply sprinkle your fruit with your favorite spices (cinnamon is always a good idea), pop it in the air fryer and cook until the fruit is extra sweet and totally delicious. If you’re really craving a pie or cobbler, top the cooked fruit with graham cracker crumbs and your favorite ice cream, whipped cream or yogurt. You’ll satisfy your craving in less than 20 minutes — and you don’t even have to turn the oven on to do it.

Since summer is coming to an end (sob!), I highly recommend giving this a try with your favorite fresh produce. After all, peaches and blueberries will never be better than they are right now. Happy snacking!

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