Ripe For The Picking

On Saturday, just hours after getting home from a two-week vacation, I headed to the garden and felt like I was suddenly greeted by teenagers when I left toddlers behind. Every plant was twice its size and blooming fruit and flowers that were just days away from ripening.

Thankfully, I hadn't missed any significant harvest, since I had plucked the blossoms off the tomatoes and peppers before I left, encouraging the plants to put their energy toward growing fuller before producing fruit.

These are the kinds of garden smarts I've learned from watching other gardeners year after year in my community garden, and I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.  If you love tomatoes and peppers too, here's another tip: Plant early and plant often. Thanks to early and successive plantings (I've planted tomato seedlings every three weeks this summer), I have plants in every stage of ripening-which means we should have handfuls of tomatoes from now until October (unless I just jinxed myself by putting that in print).  I share more tips like that one with you on the next few episodes of our Good Food Garden documentary, so tune in, and dig in.

Sarah Copeland, Recipe Developer and Good Food Gardens spokesperson

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