Katie's Healthy Bites: Mystery Foods, Revealed

Last week, I posted 4 "mystery" ingredient lists and asked you to guess what processed food the list came from.You had some great guesses -- after the jump, find out if you were right! Plus, try these wholesome, healthy upgrades to common processed foods.
Veggie Burger With Mushrooms - Photo Courtesy Food Network Magazine


Last week, I posted 4 "mystery" ingredient lists and asked you to guess what processed food each list came from.You had some great guesses -- after the jump, find out if you were right! Plus, try these wholesome, healthy upgrades to common processed foods.

Product # 1 : Toaster Pastry
Healthy Upgrade:

Try toast with peanut butter and honey for a sweet breakfast treat.

Product # 2: Vegetarian Breakfast “Sausage” Patty
Healthy Upgrade:

Use mushrooms to create a “meaty” vegetarian flavor. Add sage to this this mushroom-laced patty (pictured above) for classic breakfast flavor.

Product # 3: Stir-Fry Microwave Dinner
Healthy Upgrade:

Make your own! Plan ahead and make a large batch of stir-fry or pasta with chicken and vegetables, like this chicken stir-fry. Portion the meals out into freezable containers and re-heat when hungry!

Product # 4: Macaroni and Cheese
Healthy Upgrade:

Again, make your own or switch to a less processed organic brand.  Add a flavorful veggie like butternut squash or cauliflower to the mix for added flavor and creamy texture. Recipes to try:

My hope is that last Sunday’s post was an eye opener and encouraged you to eat whole foods rather than their very processed counterparts.

TELL US: What are your healthy upgrades to processed foods?

Katie Cavuto Boyle, MS, RD, is a registered dietitian, personal chef and owner of HealthyBites, LLC. See Katie's full bio »

Next Up

Katie's Healthy Bites: Guess The Mystery Foods

I recently read the book Food Rules by Michael Pollan. If you're not familiar with this book, I would add it to your "must-read" list. It's a super-simple guide to eating well and provides multiple "ah-ha" moments. It got me thinking about the food choices many of us make and whether or not we really take the time to think about what we are consuming. Can you tell what common food products are from reading the ingredients?

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