Dairy-Free Coconut "Whipped Cream"

Turn a can of coconut milk into rich, creamy, but completely dairy free whipped "cream."

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coconut whipped cream

With berry season in full swing, nothing beats a bowl of sweet, in-season fruit for dessert. Growing up, berries and Cool-Whip or whipped cream was a staple treat in my house. As an adult I'm not able to eat dairy, but still want to enjoy the classic combination. Here's a fun, healthy upgrade to a traditional whipped cream that you'll love. It's bursting with rich, creamy flavor, is dairy free and added sugar is optional.

Coconut Whipped Cream
Yield: approximately 2 cups
1 can full-fat coconut milk
1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup (optional)
Special equipment: Hand mixer or blender

Place an unopened can of coconut milk in the refrigerator, upside down (the cream settles to the "top) overnight.

Turn the can upright and open it without shaking it.

Spoon the top layer of white, opaque "cream" into a mixing bowl. You will be left with ½ cup of clearish liquid in the bottom...save it and add to a smoothie, yum!

Add sweetener, to taste (if you must).

Use a hand mixer to whip up the coconut milk until creamy. Start on low and move to a higher speed. Move the mixer in an up and down motion to incorporate air, which will make the whipped cream fluffier.

Serve immediately or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

Katie Cavuto Boyle, MS, RD, is a registered dietitian, personal chef and owner of HealthyBites, LLC. See Katie's full bio »

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