Recipe courtesy of Daria Doubek-Thompson

Czech Potato Salad

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This recipe was handed down to me by word of mouth and by just simply watching it being made by my mom, not using exact measurements but going by taste alone. It can be adjusted to be more or less tart. My mom learned this one from my dad and his mother. My parents are both Eastern Block backgrounds (Czech/Russian/Romanian).



  1. Thinly slice potatoes. Place into a non-reactive (i.e. glass) bowl. Combine with onions. Prepare the basic vinaigrette. Combine with potatoes and onions while still warm (this way the flavor soaks in). Allow to sit and absorb more flavor for a couple of hours or even overnight.
  2. Tomatoes, thinly sliced, may also be added to this recipe, for additional flavor and color. This recipe is terrific for outdoor bbqs and parties as vinegar does not go bad, unlike mayo.