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The Most Budget-Friendly Healthy Foods

Don't let the grocery budget hinder your healthy-eating goals! Just toss these 10 healthy items in your shopping cart the next time you’re at the market and watch how far you can stretch your dollar.

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Photo: ThitareeSarmkasat/Getty Images


Egg-cellent sources of protein and brimming with the antioxidant lutein, eggs are an anytime-of-day protein. Boil a dozen and to store in the fridge for grab-and-go snacks, or whip up a frittata, quiche or omelet for a quick and easy dinner.

Estimated Cost: $2.20 per dozen

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Photo: -lvinst-/Getty Images

Greek Yogurt

With twice the amount of hunger-satisfying protein and about 40 percent less sugar and sodium than traditional yogurt, Greek yogurt is a healthy addition to any diet. Use this versatile ingredient to make dips, sauces, dressings, pancakes and baked goods.

Average Cost: $1.25 per single-serve container

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Photo: bbostjan/Getty Images


Whether you start your morning with a boost of potassium, fiber and antioxidants or grab a banana before a workout, these yellow fruits are one of the most-affordable foods around, and they come in their own individual packaging. Bananas are also a perfect swap for fat, without compromising flavor, in many baking recipes.

Estimated Cost: $1.99 per bunch

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Photo: Brian Yarvin/Getty Images


That large canister of plain rolled oats can really stretch your food dollar. One serving of rolled oats provides 150 calories, 5 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. The fiber found in oats has been shown to help lower cholesterol and keep you satisfied. Oatmeal can be enjoyed hot, topped with inexpensive banana slices, or you can make a bowl of overnight oats to enjoy on the go.

Average Cost: $0.30 per 1/2 cup dry oats 

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