Debate Rages Over the Best Way to Cut Toast

People will argue over anything. Even the right way to cut toast.

Lesson of the day: People will argue over anything. Even the right way to cut toast.

A heated debate is apparently raging online over whether the correct way to halve a buttered slice of toast is diagonally in triangles (option 1) or in rectangles horizontally (option 2) or vertically (option 3).

It all started with a Twitter post by hallamnation (which I guess is the Twitter feed for Sheffield Hallam University’s student union?) posing the seemingly innocuous image of three unassuming slices of toast, each divided in two and carefully numbered.

“Which way would you prefer our staff to do you toast at the end of a night?!” hallamnation wondered, sparking a full-on controversy.

There were heartfelt endorsements of option 1 (the triangles), such as …

“1.. everything tastes better in triangles do not even try and play me.”

And mixed opinions about option 2 (the horizontal halves).


“2 is not even an option

“#1 or #3 for me, #2 is just barbaric, how absurd.”

But option 3 (vertical halves) was the most divisive, prompting responses such as these:

“Surely nobody does #3?”

“Number 3 makes me so anxious.”

“Number 3 is evil.”

“What kind of a monster would do # 3?”

And …

“If you cut your toast like Number 3 then please never eat toast again.


As well as these:

“Everyone's mad about ‪#toastnumber3 but seriously that's normal ‪#toastnumber2 is the abomination”

“I’ve been 3 for 5 years. Never felt better.”

“I don't understand why people are so against number 3!  At least it's symmetric!  Same can't be said about number 2! *shudders*”

And then there were those who craved yet another option:

“Why are you cutting your toast to begin with. I vote #4.”

Yeah, there are a few every crowd.

But seriously, how do you cut your toast?

Photo courtesy of @hallamnation

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