How to Make a Luscious Ice Cream Sundae

Sundaes are guaranteed crowd-pleasers. That's because something wonderful happens when the satiny sauce meets a scoop of cold, creamy ice cream.

Food Network Kitchen's Homemade Ice Cream Sundae And Toppings

Food Network Kitchen's Homemade Ice Cream Sundae And Toppings

Photo by: Tara Donne ©2014, Television Food Network, G.P. All Rights Reserved

Tara Donne, 2014, Television Food Network, G.P. All Rights Reserved

Sundaes can be simple or elaborate. There's the classic combo of vanilla ice cream and hot fudge. But you can also devise your own sundae sensations. Mix and match ice cream flavors. Make fresh fruit sauces like blueberry or strawberry. Or fold in bits of candied bacon for a surprising crunch.

There are few rules when it comes to making sundaes, but you do want to ensure that the sauce is distributed equally among the ice cream scoops. That way, you'll taste ice cream and sauce with every bite.

Here's our step-by-step guide on how to make a sumptuous ice cream sundae.

1: For 1 sundae, gather together 3/4 cup sauce; 3 scoops ice cream; something for crunch, like nuts; whipped cream; and garnishes, such as a maraschino cherry or crumbled cookies.

2: Keep the ice cream in the freezer until right before you're ready to construct the sundae. If you're using non-fruit sauces, like butterscotch or hot fudge, zap them for a few seconds in the microwave to warm them up.

3: Next, ladle 2 ounces sauce into the bottom of the dish. Drop in 2 generous scoops of the vanilla ice cream on top of the sauce. Top with another 2 ounces sauce. Drop in the final scoop of ice cream. Pour the remainder of the sauce over the sundae. Top with whipped cream and the garnish of your choice.

Now that you're ready to make an over-the-top ice cream sundae, here's a recipe for a Chocolate Chip-Caramel Ice Cream Sundae from Ree Drummond.

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