17 of the Weirdest Halloween Costumes You Can Buy on the Internet

Some of these are scary, and some are scary-good.

Party City, $7.99

Party City, $7.99

1. Cheeseburger Hat

Here’s some food for thought.

JK, it’s only for your head.

Target, $25

Target, $25

2. Avocado

With this costume, you’ll just… just feel something at the pit of your stomach.

HalloweenCostumes.com, $44.99

HalloweenCostumes.com, $44.99

3. Holy Guacamole

So angelic.

nissinfanstore.com, $60

nissinfanstore.com, $60

4. Cup Noodles

Straight from Nissin themselves, you can finally become the *official* spokesperson for Cup Noodles.

Target, $30

Target, $30

5. Hot Dog

Toppings included.

Party City, $29.99

Party City, $29.99

6. Realistic Pickle

Maybe even a little too realistic…

Amazon, $19.26

Amazon, $19.26

7. Realistic Bacon

Truly too realistic.

Costumeish.com, $79.99

Costumeish.com, $79.99

8. Ronald McDonald

If you’re going to be a clown for Halloween, you might as well be the most famous one.

Party City, $19.99

Party City, $19.99

9. Fried Egg


Costumeish.com, $21.99

Costumeish.com, $21.99

10. Sexy Beer Bottle

JUST what we’ve always wanted to be…

Party City, $34.99

Party City, $34.99

11. Sexy Bottle of Rum

Have bae dress up as Captain Jack Sparrow, and this costume goes from whut to GENIUS.

Amazon, $25.90+

Amazon, $25.90+

12. Beer Pong

How meta would it be if Beer Pong played… BEER PONG?

Amazon, $39.99

Amazon, $39.99

13. Couch Potato

Show us who you really are 👀.

Target, $30

Target, $30

14. Taco

Wrap up for that chilly trick-or-treat weather.

Amazon, $11.07

Amazon, $11.07

15. Banana Face

Not creepy at all.

Etsy // RhythmBoxMasks, $70

Etsy // RhythmBoxMasks, $70

16. Pizza Face

Not creepy AT. ALL.

Party City, $19.99

Party City, $19.99

17. Taco Cat

Honestly terrifying.

Prices and availability subject to change.

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