Mustard Pizza Is Pretty Much What It Sounds Like

It also weirdly doesn’t sound all that bad.


Photo by: Lauri Patterson ©Lauri Patterson

Lauri Patterson, Lauri Patterson

What do you like on your pizza? Go ahead. Shout it out.

I’m hearing a lot of pepperoni and peppers (not even going to acknowledge you pineapple fans). One thing I’m pretty sure I didn’t hear: mustard.

No matter. Lions & Tigers & Squares Detroit Pizza in NYC is offering a mustard pizza anyway, even if people weren’t exactly clamoring for it.

It actually doesn’t sound as unappealing as you might initially think. Made in a square-ish pan, the pie features a thick crust (I guess that’s the Detroit part?) slathered with spicy brown mustard and topped with corned beef, sauerkraut and a heap of sharp cheddar cheese.

Yes, it does sound like more like an open-face Reuben sandwich than your traditional pizza. Don’t go in expecting tomato sauce or mozzarella cheese on your Mustard Pizza – you won’t find a bit of it.

Some commenters on social media are pro (".. I would try it.."), others con ("But whyyyy?"). And many have been understandably skeptical.

"I like pizza and I like mustard, but not together," wrote one Twitter user responding to a Food Insider feature on the unusual pie.

But those who have tried it – including Jimmy Kimmel, who hosted the pizzeria’s owners last week – say it’s not bad, if also not quite pizza.

Oh, and it’s also not really a Detroit thing; it was actually invented in Trenton, New Jersey, which is where the Lions & Tigers & Squares co-owners say they discovered it.

"The #mustardpizza is pretty good it’s like a hot sandwich on crust," wrote one bold Instagrammer who set out to try it and report back. "The thing I liked about the Detroit style is that the crust has like crispy cheese around the side and the cheese is a sharp Wisconsin cheddar. So the cheddar with the vinegar taste of the sauerkraut and mustard combined nicely. It’s specific but I enjoyed it."

Where some see a chance to try something new, others see a marketing opportunity.

French’s mustard recently posted a photo of a pallet of spicy mustard on Facebook with the following caption: "Some call it an abomination. We call it innovation. A round of applause for the #mustardpizza, by Lions & Tigers & Squares Detroit Pizza. To up your game, a pallet of the finest spicy mustard is coming your way."

Photo: iStock

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