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10 Foods That Have Hidden Caffeine

January 03, 2024

Coffee and colas aren't the only things with buzz.

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Photo: Анатолий Тушенцов/Getty Images

10 Surprising Things With Caffeine

Whether you’re trying to minimize your intake or quit caffeine entirely, it’s helpful to know which foods and beverages contain this buzzy compound. Coffee and tea may be the first that come to mind, but this natural alkaloid is found in over 60 plants and plant derivatives. Caffeine is measured in milligrams: an 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee contains about 96 mg of caffeine, and black tea weighs in at about 26 mg, according to the USDA. To learn more, check out these 10 foods that have caffeine and get caffeine-free alternatives. — by Alice K. Thompson for Food Network Kitchen

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Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, a plant whose pods contain a fair amount of caffeine. In fact, some suspect that chocolate’s energizing effect is one reason why humans have been drawn to it for millennia. Most chocolate does have caffeine, but the amount varies by type: An ounce of dark chocolate (60 to 69% cacao solids) has approximately 24 mg of caffeine, while an ounce of milk chocolate has only about a quarter as much.

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Photo: Dejana Batalovic/Getty Images

Caffeine-Free Alternative: White Chocolate

White chocolate is made only with cacao fat, not caffeine-containing cacao liqueur, so it is naturally caffeine free. Another chocolate alternative is carob, which is naturally caffeine free and sold in bars, chips and powders.

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Decaf Coffee

When it comes to coffee, the term "decaffeinated" isn’t absolute. The decaffeinating process uses either water or water plus a solvent to remove the caffeine from the green beans, then roasts them like regular beans for a product that’s remarkably similar in flavor. The catch? A very small percent of the caffeine isn’t removed. An 8-once cup of decaf has slightly more than 2 mg caffeine. It’s a minimal amount compared to the 96 mg in a regular cup of coffee, but it’s not actually zero.

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