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Breakfast Around the World

It's 7 AM somewhere. What are you eating?

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United Nations of Breakfast

It's impossible to determine the single most-common breakfast dish for an entire nation. Trust us, we tried. In America, for example, the breakfast of choice might be bacon and eggs, or smoothie bowls, or fluffy buttermilk pancakes — all depending on who you ask. Regardless, most countries have a signature dish that stands out as uniquely theirs. In Mexico, it's chilaquiles, and in Spain, it's churros dipped in hot chocolate. And, no matter where you are on the map, you're going to need to jumpstart your morning, whether you choose something light and sweet or filling and savory for your fuel. Here are fifteen of the most-popular breakfast dishes enjoyed across the globe. If you wake up in one of these destinations and want to start your day like a local, consider this your guide.

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In Australia

There's a compelling theory that Australian hipsters are responsible for America's current obsession with avocado toast and grain bowls. Smashed avo has been in a thing in Australian cafes for years, and if you're having one, you're probably pairing it with a flat white — an espresso adjusted with a tiny amount of milk foam. 

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Photo: Silvana Quintero/Flickr

In Colombia

And you also had a rough night? You're sitting down to a bowl of changua, a rustic milk-based soup. Usually, there will be a poached egg or two in the broth and scallions and cilantro scattered on top. It's served with bread: either on the side for dipping, or in crouton form floated on top.

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Photo: ALLEKO/Getty Images

In Egypt

You'll grab a platter of ful medammas with a hot, fresh pita and maybe some hard-boiled eggs or pickled veggies on the side. Ful is a chunky stew of long-cooked dried fava beans mashed with garlic, tahini, cumin, and lemon juice — sort of hummus-esque, but richer and with a lot more textural variation. It’s super-popular in Cairo and can also be found in various iterations across the world: there’s an Aleppo-pepper-and-olive-oil-heavy version in Syria, and a similar dish exists in Ethiopia, served with injera.

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