Chef Paul Kahan, Chef Perry Hendrix, One Off Hospitality Group, Chef Paul Kahan, Donnie Madia, Eduard Seitan, Rick Diarmit, Terry Alexander, Peter Garfield, Kimberly Phillips-Galban, Maura McCartney, Jenna Liberman, Avec, Avec Restaurant, Chicago, Derek Richmond, Food Photography,
Derek Richmond Food Photography,

Chef Paul Kahan

Chef Paul Kahan, Chef Perry Hendrix, One Off Hospitality Group, Chef Paul Kahan, Donnie Madia, Eduard Seitan, Rick Diarmit, Terry Alexander, Peter Garfield, Kimberly Phillips-Galban, Maura McCartney, Jenna Liberman, Avec, Avec Restaurant, Chicago, Derek Richmond, Food Photography,Derek Richmond Food Photography,

Photo by: Derek Richmond

Derek Richmond

Executive Chef/Partner Paul Kahan has become the nationally recognizable face of Chicago chefs. Passionately seasonal, unconventionally creative and dedicated to the inspiration of classical cuisine, Kahan has received international acclaim for Blackbird, avec, The Publican, Big Star and most recently Publican Quality Meats.

Kahan was awarded Outstanding Chef by the James Beard Foundation in 2013, and Best Chef of the Midwest in 2004, Kahan has earned the praise of many who claim him to be one of America’s most influential working chefs.

Paul's Restaurants:

Paul's Book: