Drawing Inspiration: New-Fashioned Latkes

By: npadavick

Artist Amy Schimler tells us that this recipe was inspired by her son who is half Jewish. While he was in college he studied abroad in Vietnam, and he will be traveling back there this month to visit his host family. This just goes to show that while you never know where you're inspiration will come from, the results can be amazing.

The ingredients in this recipe are such a festive and exotic mix, and when you're starting off with a dish as wonderful as latkes, you can't go wrong. We especially like the addition of coriander, Thai basil, lime and mint to the applesauce. As for Amy's illustration, we love the punchy colors and the subtle textures. She is one of our favorite illustrators and her website is full of art that is guaranteed to make you smile.

See more illustrated recipes for latkes and other Hanukkah happiness today on They Draw and Cook and on FoodNetwork.com:

—Nate Padavick & Salli Swindell from They Draw and Cook.