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How to Measure Dry Ingredients

Baking is a science, but science can be simple: Follow these step-by-step tips to measure dry ingredients perfectly every time; then watch our how-to video to learn more.
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How-To: Measure Dry Ingredients

Baking requires precision and how you measure your ingredients can make a big difference in how things turn out.

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Step 1: Get Your Tools Ready

Get some dry measuring cups and measuring spoons. To measure dry ingredients, remember to fill and level. Tip: Dry measures come in sets so you can always fill to the top.

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Step 2: Measuring by Volume

For flour, spoon into your measuring cup and fill to the top. Level off. Tip: Don't pack the flour in. it changes the measurement. For sugar, scoop and level works just fine.

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Step 3: Measuring Spoons

Same goes with measuring spoons: scoop and level.

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