Co-Host Anne Burrell's main dish, Chicken Paillard with Arugula, Asparagus and Parmigiano as seen on Worst Cooks in America, Season 27, Spoiled Rotten
Recipe courtesy of Anne Burrell

Chicken Paillard with Asparagus, Shaved Parm, Hard Boiled Egg and Arugula Salad with Tomato Lemon Vinaigrette

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  • Level: Easy
  • Total: 30 min
  • Active: 30 min
  • Yield: 2 servings



  1. Set up a pot of boiling water and prepare a large ice bath. Cut an X into the bottom of the tomatoes. Place into the boiling water for 10 to 15 seconds – we don’t want to cook the tomato but want to let the skin just start to peel away. Immediately plunge the tomatoes into the ice bath and peel the skin away. You can carefully use a paring knife to help remove the skin if needed. Cut the tomatoes into 4 wedges and remove the cores and seeds but reserve the cores and seeds for later.
  2. Bring the water back to a boil and season both the water and the ice bath generously with salt. Blanch the asparagus until bright green and tender but still slightly crisp, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from the water and place into the ice bath. Once cool, remove from the water and pat dry. Slice the asparagus on a bias into 1-inch pieces. Set aside and reserve the ice bath.
  3. Add the eggs and baking soda into a small pot and fill with water until it just covers the eggs. Turn on the heat and bring to a boil. Cover, turn off the heat and let sit for 13 minutes, then place into the ice bath to stop the cooking. Peel the eggs and quarter them lengthwise.
  4. Add the reserved tomato seeds and cores into the blender with the lemon zest, lemon juice, garlic and Dijon mustard. Blend for 30 seconds, then very slowly drizzle in the olive oil with the blender running to emulsify the vinaigrette.
  5. Heat a large sauté pan with a drizzle of olive oil. Season the chicken well with kosher salt to taste and the garlic powder. Place into the sauté pan and cook 3 to 4 minutes per side, or until the chicken is cooked through.
  6. Add the tomato wedges into a bowl with the arugula, red onion and asparagus. Lightly dress with the vinaigrette. There will be leftover vinaigrette and it can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for 1 week.
  7. Plate the chicken onto a large, round dish and place the salad over the chicken. Garnish with the hard-boiled eggs and shaved parm. Drizzle a little bit of the extra vinaigrette over the chicken. Enjoy!