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What to Eat When You're Getting Ready for the Wedding

Fuel up for one of the biggest days of your life. Here’s what to eat while you’re getting dressed for the wedding and what to avoid.
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Eggs and Toast

Start the morning with breakfast. Don’t skip it, no matter how busy you are. Eggs and toast is a dish that’s easy to get at any hotel, event space or restaurant; it's also easy to make at home. You need only two ingredients! This match made in heaven will give you energy with carbs from the toast and keep you full with fiber from whole grains and protein from the egg. There’s also flexibility in this dish. Do you hate sunny-side-up eggs? Get them scrambled.

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Fruit Salad

For the nervous bride or groom, simple is best. Fruit salad in the most-basic sense is energy and hydration on a plate. Fruit is easy to digest for many people, meaning no upset stomach. It’s easy to nibble and easy to change up depending on the season. You can find fruit at drive-thrus and even coffee shops.

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Yogurt and Muesli

Think of it as portable milk and cereal with less potential to spill. Muesli is packed with whole grains, nuts and seeds to keep you full thanks to fiber. The average muesli also has less sugar than a typical cereal on the market. It’s easy to transport and add to your favorite cup of yogurt. Pick a strained yogurt like Icelandic yogurt or Greek yogurt for an extra dose of protein. Yogurt’s nutrition composition means your body feels satisfied and stays satisfied for a long time. 

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Fruit and Nut Bars

Sometimes you forget to eat altogether. Brilliant wedding planners keep snacks on hand like fruit and nut bars. If you want to plan ahead, buy some and throw them into your bag that you’ll be taking to wherever you’re getting ready. Shelf-stable bars are individually wrapped, which means you can feed some bridesmaids. Remember, you’ve got to eat something so you don’t pass out.

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