Roasted Broccoli with Tahini Yogurt

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  • Level: Easy
  • Total: 40 min
  • Active: 10 min
  • Yield: 4 servings
Broccoli simply-roasted on high-heat creates a whole new dimension of flavor for this simple weeknight side dish. We cook the broccoli until crisp and lightly-charred on the edges, and finish it with a tangy yogurt sauce flavored with tahini and lemon.


  1. Trim the ends of 1 1/4 pounds broccoli and quarter the stalks lengthwise. Toss with olive oil and salt. Roast cut-side down on a preheated baking sheet at 450˚ F, flipping once, until browned and tender, about 30 minutes. Whisk together 3/4 cup plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons each tahini and lemon juice, 1 grated garlic clove and a pinch of salt; spoon over the broccoli. Sprinkle with ground sumac and chopped scallions, dill and cilantro.