Cherry-Chocolate Mousse Pie
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Recipe courtesy of Jason Smith

Bourbon-Soaked Cherry-Chocolate Mousse Pie

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  • Level: Easy
  • Total: 10 hr 20 min (includes soaking, cooling and chilling times)
  • Active: 25 min
  • Yield: 6 to 8 servings





  1. For the pie: The day before making the pie, put the cherries and bourbon in an airtight container and let set overnight.
  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. 
  3. Line an 8-inch pie dish with the pie crust. Trim the excess off, crimp the edges and poke the bottom and sides with a fork. Place a piece of parchment or wax paper on the crust in the pie dish and fill three-quarters full with dried beans.
  4. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the beans and paper, return to the oven and finish baking until medium brown, another 15 to 20 minutes. Let cool completely.
  5. In a medium mixing bowl, add the cream cheese, sugar and cocoa powder and whip until light and fluffy. Add the cream, vanilla and salt and whip on low to combine. Turn to high and whip until light and fluffy and stiff peaks form.
  6. Drain the bourbon off the cherries (save the bourbon and make a nice cocktail for later). Reserve 5 to 6 cherries for decorating the top of the pie. 
  7. Spoon half of the chocolate mousse into the cooled pie shell and spread evenly. Sprinkle half of the remaining cherries over the filling. Spoon the rest of the mousse over the cherries and smooth out. Top with the remaining cherries.
  8. For the topping: In the same mixing bowl, add the cream, sugar and vanilla and whip until stiff peaks form. Pipe or spoon on the topping and decorate with the saved cherries. Put in the fridge for at least an hour and up to overnight.

Cook’s Note

Don't throw out the bourbon from the cherries; save it for a cocktail of bourbon and soda. When working with whipped cream, make sure the bowl and the beaters are ice cold. I put mine in the freezer for 30 minutes before I start.