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The New Sliders: 10 Foods You Didn’t Know Could Be Bite-Sized

Is it us, or do portions seem to be getting bigger and bigger these days? Not only are enormous portions a problem for your waistline, but they're a danger zone for your wedding budget, too. Miniaturizing traditional foods makes for showstopping dining (and lots of Instagram pictures), but it also gives your guests a taste of something special in moderation. So even if your budget doesn’t allow for steaks for everyone, you can still make them part of your passed hors d'oeuvres.

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Banana Splits

Wander into an international grocery store and you’ll find some amazing pieces of tiny tropical produce. Finger bananas — a variety of bananas about the size of an index finger — are a dream base for a banana-split dish. Use a melon baller to scoop ice cream, and top with maraschino cherries for scale. Save extra time by prescooping the ice cream and freezing on a baking sheet for easy assembly. 

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Bagels and Lox

With the average bagel weighing in at a couple hundred calories, we’re conscious of our bagel consumption but definitely not giving them up. Mini bagels, no bigger than a tennis ball, are the perfect vessels for a play on classic bagels and lox. Serve up fluffy cream cheese and salmon with capers, red onions, dill and lemon wedges. Perfect for a bridal-shower brunch! 

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Steak and Potatoes

Steak and potatoes just got an adorable makeover. Making this classic dish miniature takes attention to detail (don’t overcook the steak cube!), but an entire special meal in a single bite is worth it. Roast fingerling potatoes and skewer with a seared cube of steak. Top it off with roasted garlic and a rosemary skewer garnish. Provide extra napkins for salivating guests. 

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Ice Cream Sandwiches 

Ice cream sandwiches made from chocolate chip cookies are an excellent dessert for on-the-go guests. Making them mini means there’s a smaller chance of dripping on party apparel as the ice cream melts. Scout out cookies that are silver dollar-sized and fill them with your favorite ice cream flavor. Before they head to the freezer, roll the sides in classic garnishes like mini chocolate chips, sprinkles or hot fudge. Keep the mess to a minimum by serving them in cupcake liners.

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