Will an Easier-to-Peel Avocado Prevent Hand Injuries?

EasyAvo’s secret is its ‘thicker, corkier skin,’ but does that really make cutting it safer?

A male left hand grasping a good sized avacado fruit. Plants in background.


A male left hand grasping a good sized avacado fruit. Plants in background.

Photo by: Thomas Faull ©Thomas Faull

Thomas Faull, Thomas Faull

As if avocados weren’t perfect enough, the urge to perfect them seems to have become something of a phenomenon.

You’ll recall, perhaps, that someone has developed an avocado with a longer lifespan – so you can keep it on your kitchen counter longer without worrying about it going bad.

Another company bred a petite, pitless avocado with soft edible skin that could be eaten whole to save consumers the trouble of having to slice it. Officially called a “cocktail avocado,” a food technology specialist for the British department store Marks & Spencer, where it was sold last year, said it represented “the holy grail of avocados.”

And Trader Joe’s, of course, sells “Teeny Tiny Avocados,” which the store describes as “personal, single-serve, ‘where have you been all my life’-sized Hass Avocados.” The goal: to prevent waste and having to wrap up “the other half for another time and hoping it’s still good when you’re ready to eat it,” according to Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer.

The latest improvement on perfection? An avocado that is easier to peel – or, as a press release put it, “the world’s first ever avocado that easily pulls away from its skin once cut in half.”

Grown in South Africa, EasyAvo, as it is officially called, was rolled out this fall at Tesco department stores in the U.K. Its stated goal: to prevent consumers from experience the dread “avocado hand,” a perhaps too-cute name for hand injuries sustained while cutting into an avocado.

The natural hybrid has a “thicker, corkier skin” than your basic Hass or Fuerte avocado.

“As the fruit ripens and moisture loss occurs in the process, the thicker, corkier skin separates more easily from the fruit flesh, compared to the thinner and more pliable skin of a Fuerte or Hass,” Tesco avocado buyer Laura Marsden Payne explained.

It may not be completely clear to some of us how a thicker skin will prevent hand injuries. The knife slip may be more a matter of the pit than the skin, the Washington Post reports. And the word from the British press is that handling the EasyAvo is a bit messy. But no matter. I’m sure next week someone will think of yet another way to perfect what is already among nature’s most perfect fruits.

In the meantime, anyone up for some toast?

Photo: iStock

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